Frequently asked questions?

  • Initially I offer a free 15 mins session where we can look at the reasons why you are seeking therapy now, what are your goals for therapy and any past experiences with therapy. This is an opportunity for you to find out a bit more about what is involved but also to see whether you feel that therapy and me are right for you at the moment.

  • Sessions last 50min and are an opportunity to explore what you want to focus on and how collaboratively we can develop strategies to address these.

  • I currently see clients Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday or Saturdays by arrangement. Evening appointments are available.

  • Yes, anything said within the session is completely confidential.  However, if during the course of therapy I have concerns that you may harm yourself or another person (or there are concerns about potential harm from others), or if any safeguarding issues arise, then I will need to break confidentiality and will inform you of my decision to do so. See Data Privacy Policy for full details.

  • The number depends upon the issue and its severity.  On average therapy clients attend between 8 and 12 sessions and I will initially work on a 6 week programme to allow us to focus on what you want to achieve. We will review the number of sessions as we go along with you being key to decisions.

  • I require a minimum of 24 hours notice for a cancellation, otherwise you will be charged for the session. This is because as a practitioner I have to turn down other clients and still pay for resources.